May 14 - Tune Up
Expedite Harriet's coming and going from the auto shop in the early hours,
then somewhat
ahead of
schedule proceed
to DVC, where Kevin Nucum is ready to go with a dictation on a Japanese video-game theme, which has such interesting harmony that we evolve into extra innings doing a partial board harmony exercise on Dm9 Bb Am F C C/E... Harold Hardin also checks in with a sight-singing from a G-major mezzo aria in Ludwig van Beethoven's Fidelio -- the second of two fine presentations of the day.
via errands, to assist H again in the car pickup, then she is off to a Weill on Broadway performance, vhile page 12 pdf Duo Sonata No. 2 and composition for Psalm 96 (system 5) is accomplished, as well as 103 re The Decameron. Three blocks away, carried by the wind, is a percussion protest against school music cuts at the local admin building, which can be heard through closed windows and curtains, with the fan on and Alan Hovhaness's Symphony No. 49 ("Christmas") (definitely out of season, that) on iTunes. Perhaps one must live with the times.