A 21st-Century Music update and down Diablo Valley for the Richard Rodger's
Sound of Music: Do-Re-Mi as dictation / keyboard-solfege / board harmony for the Theoreticians (plus Whole-Step/Half-Step, Half-Step/Whole-Step, and Blues Lydian Scales), followed by work in the lab,
where Theory alumnus Chris Lee holds forth, and Tritone Orchestra recordings are made of
Symphony No. 5: IIId
Psalm 76
The Cop and the Anthem: IV
The Decameron: First Day - Novel IV "A Monk Falls into Grievous Sin"
Return home for
Merton Songs, 60, beginning
XII. Hymn of Not Much Praise...
Decameron 69
Psalm 92 (7) into
Psalms, Book IV