January 16 - Transports

Watch Transamerica (2005) with Harriet, while doing the pdf of Street Songs page 37 and composing a sixth sheet for Psalm 84, before winging the way to an intimate

San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra board meeting -- seemingly returning to our roots, with Erling Wold and Lisa Scola Prosek (two of our founding members).  We make plans for both the spring show (for our 10-year anniversary, perhaps some sort of joint piece) and a 2013 America's Cup special concert.

Afterwards we adjourn to check out Erling's new grand piano, viewing an Erling sketchbook that dates back a decade.

Evidently we share a compositional approach of improvising extensively on short passages (though he notates by hand and I tend these days to go directly to the computer [via trackpad] or simply keep an idea in the mind initially, given the practice of springing new pieces off of older ones in the J.S. Bach fashion) and then going off and writing mostly silently in notation -- Lisa is more of the improvising-longer-pieces-directly-into-the-computer-via-keyboard type.  Home late, and somewhere in the day, finish re-reading Samuel Beckett's

Murphy (1938) and

Waiting for Godot (1949).