August 16 - Yee-Ha!

Learn from the local papers that the Solano Land Trust has successfully acquired the Rockville Trails area, which will eventually become a new public open space -- tremendous! 

Renew membership and make another donation.

In other news, do pdf of Songs for Rebecca (page 13) and detailed edit of Triple Concerto for Bassoon, Contrabassoon, and Harp: III (9) before realizing that this is probably the day of the first music department meeting for the fall semester.  Go on the DVC website, noting faculty workshops, but am unable to access school email site.  Gamble that the odds are good that the show is on, so to speak...

Blitz to Diablo and this is indeed the case,

with a 2:45pm (nice start) get-together that includes time to prepare files for both classes (each full... one overfull?... at 40 students, for 80 total) and update syllabi, including the parroting of so-called Student Learning Outcomes -- assessments of which are known as SLO ASS... Goodness...


through a myriad of feints,

including Lopes (Long Barn Ranch,

Chinese Wall / Dinosaur Ridge,




Twin Sisters and Vaca Mountains),

Gold Hill,

Green Valley

(Elkhorn Peak),


(Gomer School),

Mankas Corner / Waterman,

Hillborn (Three-Oak Hill,

Fairfield Foothills,

South Lagoon Mountains), and

Lyon (Poverty Hills) Roads --

before re-freewaying it to

errands and home -- whereupon learn that Merton Songs has been accepted by the International Music Score Library Project on the strength of previous permission from New Directions. 

Proceed apace to place Duo Sonata No. 2 ("Wasatch") for Viola and Percussion

at same,

and follow this up

with a


pool-spa session accompanied by Harriet and Jay.

Day concludes with 21st-Century work, including mailing of belated June 2012 issues, plus beginning to link the pdf's of Crystal Series, in preparation for placement on IMSLP.