August 14 - From Angst to Zen

Call the jury folks and have the summons commuted to next month, schedule a yearly check-up with Dr. Marsha Ann Alexander a few weeks hence, phone Bette and George for enlightenment, produce cover page and link all the pdf's of Merton Songs (Op. 30), make a few new recordings of same (and after all these months on Finale, finally learn how to get the program to play back complex ending arrays), do pdf of Songs for Rebecca 11 and detailed edit work on Triple Concerto: III. Rondo a La Pole Dance 7, re-configure a number of videos in preparation for the start of the fall semester next week, and catch up with 21st-Century Music editing (beginning the October 2012 issue) and emails, on a day with Harriet out and about, re-connoitering in evening (she brings word that that fog has returned to SF, which would suggest at least slightly lower temps ahead),

heading for the bike/pool/spa regimen late, viewing the Jeremy Brett

Memoires of Sherlock Holmes (fairly faithful to Arthur Conan Doyle re content, if not structure) even later.

High temp exactly the same as a week ago: 100 -- from there to now as