November 28 - To the Boards

Lovely early morning with Harriet, despite torrential rain, first of supposedly three storms, and Third Day of Student Teaching with the Theoreticians - Joe going to the piano early for Dictation of John Williams's Indiana Jones: Main Title, Rich for Sight-Singing, and Zac for Board Harmony.








bout of inclemency, grading papers, preparing for the evening class, with Harriet while watching

Beyond Our Differences --

returning in the dark of night for Music Literature: John Adams, Sting, Mark Alburger, Tan Dun, Erling Wold, Prince... and

back and beyond in preparation for the Exam two weeks hence (the rest posted next week at this time):

Write 8 Bars of Music

Short Essay (5+ Sentences):
Write Briefly Upon the Development of Music (i.e. Where Has Music Been?)

[8960] Bono - With or Without You
[8960] Golijov - Oceana: I
[8967] Cobain - Heart-Shaped Box
[8968] S. Clark - Amok Time
[8968] Yorke - Morning Bell
[7970] M. Cooke - Ha Meaggel


Late-night pdf (beginning Spectral Preludes: II. Yellow-Orange) and composition (finishing Double Piano Concerto: II, with page 29, and third sheet for The Decameron - Third Day: Novel VII.) work follows.