October 4 - Pumped Up

With gas prices on the rise again,

off again,

mostly on the sunny side of the fog (beginning and end of trip, at least),

a decided change of clime in the air (despite the notion that this is just the typical marine layer kicking in at the Coast again),

to ascend Parnassus with the

Theoreticians vis a vis Quiz 7,

with musical examples drawn from J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, Franz Gruber, and Frederic Chopin.

Lunch with

Carol locally,

then homeward in the late afternoon,

initially bucolically



encountering the heaviest traffic in quite some time (two cars and a big rig blocking all lanes for awhile, and then merely some -- with seemingly all of the local population trying to take most of the limited work-arounds,

eventually finding some,


that are not too bad,

and making




homeward.  Much musical catch-up in the evening, including --

Ninth-page pdf for Lot in Life: I. Lottery
Begin detail edit of The Decameron - Second Day: X (1-6)
Compose DTD: I (11) 

-- partly during dinner with Harriet, as we re-visit the 

2007 version of Charles Dickens's The Old Curiosity Shop.